
EUIPO - Covid-19

16 Mar 2020

The EUIPO's Executive Director just issued Decision No.EX-20-3 according to which all deadlines expiring between 9 March 2020 and 30 April 2020 inclusive that affect all parties in proceedings befo...

Umami Law attending EUIPO’s IP Case Law Conference in 21-22 May 2020

09 Mar 2020

Julie will be attending the EUIPO’s 2020 edition of its IP Case Law Conference 21-22 May 2020 in Alicante.
The two days conference has now become one of the biggest IP events in Alicante with spea...

Brexit and EUTMs – what happens now ?

17 Fév 2020

The United Kingdom has now officially left the European Union on 31 January 2020. What does it mean for European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) owners ? Will your EUTMs be affected? Do you need to registe...

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Julie attending the 38th annual MARQUES conference

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